Sunday, August 22, 2010

2010 dog day afternoon

Today was the dog day afternoon at the park! It's when they let all the pups into the pool before they close it down for the season- Hey! no running in the pool!

There were all kinds of pups there- this is a little siber girl I met-

This big fellow was very friendly!

Curly tails rock!

It was a very nice weekend; I am glad I met one of the good humans...


Thursday, August 5, 2010

For BearBear

I was so very shocked yesterday to hear about the travesty that beset Mr. Bearbear & his family...I do not want to repost what others have-there is no point in that, if anyone doesn't know the story just look at some of the siber blogs out there- what I would like to do is pause for a moment & many things are wrong here...but I will not dwell there, for I must believe that, whatever the legal outcome, the old father will have his vengeance in the end...
To Mr. BearBear's family, I am so very sorry, know that the woos of at least this siber will be with you tonight. And to BearBear-run free mate & keep a good eye on your peeps, we will meet some day-

RA 8/5/10